Association of AMP-activated protein kinase and uncoupling protein-2 gene expressions with hypertension in obese patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology Research Institute, National Research Centre, Giza

2 Department of Chemistry, Helwan University,

3 Obesity Surgery Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt


The obesity is a multifactorial metabolic disease resulting from behavioral and genetic factors, which linked to hypertension.
The study was aimed to examine the association of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) gene expressions in obese and hypertension, to explore their potential roles in human obesity and hypertension. Moreover, their associations with lipid profiles were determined.
Materials and methods
Subcutaneous adipose tissues (SAT) were collected from 131 subjects, including 45 non-obese and non-hypertensive controls, 86 obese subjects (51 obese only and 35 with hypertension patients. Utilizing real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the expressions of the UCP2 and AMPK genes were determined.
Results and conclusion
The AMPK and UCP2 gene expressions were statistically significant when comparing the obese and hypertension groups to controls. Additionally, UCP2 and AMPK expression levels revealed high sensitivity and specificity using ROC curve analysis. Significant negative correlations were found between AMPK gene expression and cholesterol and LDL levels in hypertension and obese patients. While UCP2 expression showed a positive correlation with LDL and cholesterol in obese. These results indicated that UCP2 and AMPK gene expressions could play major roles as candidate genes for the development of obesity as well as hypertension. Correspondingly, their correlations with cholesterol and LDL implicated their roles in lipid metabolism. The correlations of the AMPK and UCP2 genes with hypertension and obesity may provide an alternative approach for managing obesity and its related-hypertension.
